RINVOQ for ulcerative colitis

In clinical studies, RINVOQ helped people living with UC experience remission at 8 weeks and 1 year.

Plus, RINVOQ helped deliver:

RAPID relief

  • From UC symptoms (fewer bowel movements and bloody stools) in as early as 2 weeks

POWERFUL results

  • No bowel urgency, no abdominal pain, and significantly reduced fatigue at 8 weeks
  • Steroid-free remission at 1 year
  • Visible colon lining repair* even at 1 year

*Areas that were visually assessed may not represent repair of the entire colon lining.

LONG-TERM results

  • In another study, many people were in remission, even at ~3 years

In a less rigorous study with data available at ~3 years, physicians and patients knew that RINVOQ was being used, which may have influenced results. Results measured in RINVOQ-treated patients who met clinical response at 8 weeks (defined by decrease in stool frequency, rectal bleeding and endoscopic improvement).



RINVOQ may cause serious side effects, including:

  • Serious Infections, Cancer and Immune System Problems, and Blood Clots.
  • Increased risk of death in people age 50+ with at least 1 heart disease risk factor.
  • Increased risk of major cardiovascular events, such as heart attack, stroke, or death in people age 50+ with at least 1 heart disease risk factor, especially in current or past smokers.
  • Serious allergic reactions. Do not take if allergic to RINVOQ or its ingredients.

Learn more about these and other serious side effects >

See full Important Safety Information below.

Get helpful info from AbbVie

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What’s the most important topic you want to discuss with your doctor about UC?

Hear from RINVOQ patients

See how real people put their UC in check with RINVOQ and achieved the results they were looking for.

Partner up with your gastroenterologist

Your gastroenterologist is your partner in creating a treatment plan that aligns with your long-term goals. Check out some of our strategies for making the most of your appointment conversation.


Make RINVOQ part of your routine.

Pill not actual size

RINVOQ Complete

Personalized support from the start

Whether you need a hand navigating your insurance or have a question about your condition, RINVOQ Complete is there to help you start and stay on track with your prescribed RINVOQ treatment plan.


And with the RINVOQ Complete Savings Card, you may be eligible to pay as little as $0 a month for your prescription.

Inspire others

Have you or a loved one been prescribed RINVOQ for UC? Share your experience to help inform and inspire people like yourself.
To participate, please email us at info@SPEAKnetwork.net or call 855-465-8585.